Monday, May 6, 2013

God Moves in a Mysterious Way; Solitude

God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never-failing skill
He treasures up His bright designs,
And works His sovereign will.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.

Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan his work in vain;
God is His own interpreter,
And He will make it plain. 

* * * * *


The same night he arose and took his two wives, his two female servants, and his eleven children, and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. He took them and sent them across the stream, and everything else that he had. And Jacob was left alone.
(Genesis 32:22-24a) 

Man tends to take God's gifts and make them into idols. Thus, sometimes, by God's grace, these are taken away, and you are left without distraction.

You come before God alone and empty-handed.

And a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day.
(Genesis 32:24b) 

You wrestle Him in the darkness, wondering when it would end, when you would see the light.

When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he touched his hip socket, and Jacob's hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him.
(Genesis 32:25)

In the darkness, God breaks you.

Then he said, “Let me go, for the day has broken.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”
(Genesis 32:26) 

In the wake of such pain, you consider giving up. But of course, it's no real consideration. Let you go? Not so easily. I will not let you go unless you bless me.

Never, ever will I let you go. Never.

Jacob walked away from the fight limping. Having previously depended on his wits and strength, his natural powers were crippled. Every step he would take from then on would remind him of his reliance upon God's divine grace.

But he got what he wanted, didn't he? He received the blessing.

And there he blessed him. So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, saying, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.”
(Genesis 32:29b-30)

Yes, the darkness had passed. The night is gone. And you walk into the morning as a new person, a person strengthened, not in physical or mental strength, but having the blessing of the Almighty God.

And that's more than enough.

I can't help but think that he came out of that, limping but smiling.

The sun rose upon him as he passed Penuel, limping because of his hip.

(Genesis 32:31)


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