It seemed like a noble question to ask.
The problem was this, though: assuming I was correct in presupposing that everything I did was to seek my own comfort, then even the question itself was guilty of this. I'm caught in a paradox.
But again, it's a very real question, deriving from the observation of how I'm uncontrollably wired to seek pleasure and avoid discomfort. Sure, I'm willing at times to endure suffering, but how could I, if not for a higher joy?
Recognizing the paradox, I decided that I couldn't deduce an answer to the question based on its presupposition. Instead, I realized that I mustn't begin with myself, for I am not the origin of my own person and pleasures and functions.
It's much better to ask, "What does God intend for you to do according to His good will and pleasure?"
Of course, this question might seemingly be rendered irrelevant by the Satanic voice that questions why I absolutely must do His will. I've come up with a cocky retaliation: "Who do I trust, then? Me, or you?" I'm not sure how effectively this response will aid me, but it seems promising.
Now I will attempt to answer my own question.
Q: "How can I not do things for my own pleasure?"
A: "The question is irrelevant. Look to God for instruction. Don't ask why, there are no reasons beyond God, only in Him."
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
(Colossians 1:16)
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