Five of us had a gathering during Sunday evening.
I don't know about them, but I was just happy to be around them again. Really happy. It felt like a long time ago since we've come together for a talk. And it's very different when you're together with people with whom you've been divinely put together with. It's a very deep conviction that we were meant to be, because none of us try, we just come together by divine calling, in spite of our vast differences in personality.
I wanted to make sure we keep this up. Too often we lose heart when we fail, and we don't even want to try anymore, don't want to gather with the people of God. But we hope this won't happen again. We set a regular time of meeting, about twice a week.
We really do need some time apart from Agape and Renewed to meet together. God intended for fellowship to be held together by persons. That's why He gave gifts to the church, in the form of apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, teachers (Ephesians 4:11). And it doesn't end with those people either; in the next verse, it continues, "to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ". It is to mobilize everyone to work, not to merely maintain an audience.
The point is, in my limited observation, at this point those fellowships seem mostly held together by schedule and programs, which is good, but lacking the person-driven mutual service that those orders and systems are meant to support. Of course, if memory does not fail me, the original intention was indeed to motivate all who are in the fellowships to do what their hands find to do, but it seems that we need more grace than those previous disciplines have given us. We need to work with fewer people and build a team.
I will put out what I have in mind regarding our little group.
Firstly, most importantly, we have to be disciplined. We must study and equip ourselves with the Word of God, to root ourselves in the Gospel, so that we are assured of God's promises and full of motivation to godly works. I would propose that we do something basic first, like memorizing the Shorter Catechism entirely. Perhaps after that, some Biblical theology would be nice.
Next, our time of gathering is quite limited, and it would be good that we become able to hold regular personal studies. Mutual accountability would give us a boost. We should let each other know each of our Bible study plans, and help each other keep up with it. And we come together and share about what we've learned.
Then, we make known the problems we are aware of, find the root cause, and discuss the topic. This is to keep us healthy in being transparent toward one another, so that we do not harbor hidden problems that may cripple the group. We strategize in order to meet those problems, and thus mobilize the group to work.
Finally, we pray. A song before that would be nice, too.
It is important that we find our respective roles so that we can serve each other effectively, perhaps beginning in the group and extending our reach to include the two fellowships.
My father pointed something out. It is that the system we're striving for is actually a church structure of its own. But none of us are elders, none of us confirmed by God's people to take up the job. But it's the best we could do in an immensely flawed context, and the only way I could aid them from another church.
Those who remain in that church, sadly, will have to endure suffering for quite long. The place is ripe for conflict because of us. I don't know how this will turn out. I only know God will be glorified ultimately.
One of my current convictions is to help those who are under the authority of their parents, difficult to leave as we do. This is why I wish to continue to meet together with them, even as I join the assembly of another church. Over time, it will be revealed to me whether splitting my time like this is wise or not. As for Chun Chung, I haven't any idea his own convictions about staying; my father wishes to inquire him about it.
Until next time. May God lead us.
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