I'm a story guy, and I find myself frequently thinking in terms of story.
I'm the villain. I'm the idolater, the blasphemer, the rebel, the murderer, the adulterer, the thief, the liar.
I deserve to die, and every day I prove it. I am the most hard-necked of antagonists, the most deceptive, the most bloodthirsty, the most perverted, the most greedy. My punishment would be glorious. To vanquish such evil would give great glory to the righteous for finally putting an end to it.
The most incredible thing happens. The villain receives an unconditional pardon, and is given the power to reverse his downward spiral.
Stunning is the imagery of the hero embracing the crook he's faced against. It is difficult to describe.
The crook will discover something in himself he never had: self-hate. He will become his own enemy.
Once he only lived by one rule, which was to serve his evil desires. Now he will fight himself, beat himself into submission, to serve the one who adopted him. He will fail. His old ways will resurface, and we will catch glimpses of that old crook who really should be stamped out.
But the hero will not give up on him. He will patiently teach him, grieve over him, comfort him.
Like Hosea loved Gomer. It was a strange love. It was unfitting. But after the shock from the plot twist dies down, you realize that it's the way it was meant to be. Surely the extent of His love will have a manifestation beyond our expectations.
What the hell, Josh. What more do you want?
What more can you want?
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